mardi 14 juillet 2015

No More Heroes

You can’t be a one man team in TF2.

It’s designed to work as a team, as it is aptly named.

However, every single player seems to think that THEY are the team; and this has been happening for a long time now. TF2 is just riddled with Spies and Snipers.

I log onto a server, maybe as BLU team: 4 Spies, 3 Snipers, 1 Soldier, 1 Demo.

I make a suggestion, like, “Hey can we get 1 less Spy or Sniper and maybe 1 more Offensive class?”

Guess what happens?

I get voted off the server.

Well, you could just say, “No,” but now opinions are not even free in this “Free” game, and instead of just saying, “No,” I’m instead booted off completely because players seem to be annoyed by the question.

Yes, it’s your choice to choose any class you want. It’s the friggin’ internet, so, how am I to stop you? I’m just saying, it’s frustrating to play on a team of nothing but Support classes, because there is nothing for them to support, they have to do it all themselves.

A team of solely Spies and Snipers can’t win against a team of demos and pyros and sollys, heavies and engies...they just can’t.

And it happens on every server you join: 1 or more players will say, “Do we need that many (fill in any abundance of support class here)?”

Never before have I been booted by making such a suggestion or asking even a question about it.

The point is, if I recommend we need 1 less support and 1 more Bang bang Boom boom class, instead everybody thinks, “Well, I AM THE SPY/SNIPER of this team, everyone else needs to change, not me, ‘cos I’m the friggin’ Hero!”...and then we lose...time and again…

I haven’t played Spy, Sniper, or Medic in what seems to be months, because there’s more than enough on every server I join, and I do my best to BALANCE the team win.

Winning isn’t everything, it’s just fun to play...but it’s nice to win. On that most of us can agree.

But I hate playing Sniper with 5 other Snipers because then we become the joke of the server.

I hate playing Spy with 15 other Spies because then everybody stops playing the game and goes around trying to burn half the friggin' players that may or may not be invisible and the cart or the intell or whatever just sits there neglected and the objective of the game gets completely lost.

...I’m actually giving Medics a bad rep, here, ‘cos they’re fine, and a bit few and far between.

We need more Medics as far as Support goes.


I want to join a server and play the game without being harassed for what class I am playing…

Is this now a class system? Weird.

I suppose it’d be best to seek out servers that limit how many players can be a certain class. I like it best when you’re limited to two of each class, as much as that sucks.

When TF2 first came out in the stone ages (circa ‘07, ‘08) Spy and Sniper, believe it or not, were harder to play, and therefore, less frequently, and they commanded a lot more respect due to the players who were patient enough to master it, nowadays everybody and their friggin’ dog play Spyper and it takes hardly any skill and all it does it frustrate other players, send them on a goose chase and waste a lot of time.

I know it well never happen, ‘cos it’s just lame, but I, for one, just one, wish there was a limit.
No More Heroes

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