mercredi 13 mai 2015

New Bow idea: The Barbie-Skewer

The Barbie-Skewer
Level 5 Interesting Machina Variant

+10% Projectile speed
Projectile penetrates targets
Alt+Fire to cover notched projectile in pitch, setting it ablaze

-10% Projectile speed per target penetrated
Maximum 2 targets penetrated
Can only be fired when fully drawn
Projectiles cannot be set ablaze by Pyros
Projectile can only be set ablaze once every 20 seconds

This Huntsman variant is a larger, more powerful bow which allows for the arrows to travel faster and pierce targets. In the absence of a Pyro, the Sniper can also control when his arrows are set on fire.

However, the fire mechanic works on a similar recharge to the Jarate so in the presence of a Pyro, your arrows are less frequently ablaze.

Furthermore, the bow can only penetrate a maximum of two targets for a maximum of three targets hit. Every time the projectile passes through an enemy it moves 10% slower, so if an arrow penetrates two targets it would move 10% slower than a Huntsman projectile towards its third and final target.

Finally, to balance the sheer versatility of this weapon (being somewhat of a combination between elements of The Machina and the Cow Mangler 5000) the bow can only be fired when the string is completely drawn back, meaning no split-second panic-stricken headshots.

Thoughts? :confused: All feedback is appreciated. I realise that this is a very mechanic-heavy weapon, but there are a few others just as jam-packed and I believe The Barbie-Skewer's drawbacks would make this more of an interesting sidegrade to the Sniper's existing bow than its immediate superior.
New Bow idea: The Barbie-Skewer

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