mardi 21 avril 2015

Metropolice will not follow player

I want these Metropolice to follow the player, and they kind of do, but if the player is behind a corner they stop following. Or sometimes they'll be on the other side of an open doorway and will just look at me but not follow.
I've used an aiscripted_schedule to make them follow the player, they both are in the same squad, and there is an npc_enemyfinder in their squad as well. But still, they do not follow at all times.
How did Valve make them follow, even when they can't see you? I've decompiled HL2 maps to look at the entity setup, but I don't understand why mine does not work. Using mat_wireframe 3, I can see that the police look directly at the player even when on the other side of a wall. How are they so aware?
Metropolice will not follow player

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