dimanche 22 février 2015

Let's fix the Timeline: Terminator

At this point, the timeline in this movie is pretty much a mess. Even if you pretend, like my brother, that anything after Terminator 2 Judgement Day doesn't happen and were just "What If" stories (IE not canon), the timeline is still pretty much in a paradox.

Well, I guess that depends on what ending to T2 Judgement Day is actual canon.

I think the ending to the original T2 and the Special Edition are almost the same, though I am not entirely sure, since it's been a while sine I have seen either of them. What's totally different is the ending to the Extended Special Edition (lol). Judgement Day does not happen; John Conner becomes a politician, all is right in the world... Except Kyle Reese does not go back in time to knock up Sarah Conner, which means John Conner does not get conceived. Which leads to Judgement Day actually happening, and this time, there's no one to lead the humans to almost victory.

Unless of course, John Conner sponsers a bill titled the Lets Knock Up My Mom 40 Years Ago act. In which the state sponsers the creation of a Time Machine, a Cyborg hell bent on killing Sarah Conner in 1984, and of course Kyle Reese playing the soldier who has to save Sarah Conner + love interest. (god damn, John Conner is a ing !)

ANYWAY! At this point, the timeline is in a paradox, a screwed one at that.

What can also be possible, to explain away the paradox is that going back in time created an alternate universe in which there's no need for time travel and all is right in the world.

However, that is BORING!

We need Judgement Day to happen, and we need John Conner to happen.

So lets scrap the ending to the Extended Special Edition of T2. And lets scrap T3 Rise of the Machines and everything else after T2.

Terminator 3 isn't an action movie centered around John or Sarah Conner, instead, it's a Thriller surrounding the events that lead up to Skynet becoming self aware and causing a Nuclear Holocaust. The only thing referencing John Conner is a speech at the end, possibly during the credits by John Conner, telling humanity to fight the machines. But he doesn't play a big role in the film. It takes place around 1999 or 2000. Destroying the lab, broken chip and cyborg arm was debilitating, but a recoverable loss (as they probably held data backups that Miles Dyson was unaware of somewhere else, like all good companies would do).

Yes, T3 tried to do this some what, but they screwed it up and the movie was horrible at worst, and just alright at best.


Let's fix the Timeline: Terminator

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