jeudi 27 août 2015

Gun Mettle Contracts On Community Servers

So, anyone who has taken part in the Gun Mettle campaign likely knows the annoyance of dealing with people on Valve servers. They're infested with the rudest, most obnoxious individuals you can ever find, most of them are so insecure about themselves that they throw the most childish insults in a desperate bid to make themselves feel better, and you'll be lucky if an aimbotter doesn't pop into your server and ruin everything.

Votekicking people never works because it requires the people on the team in question to actually give two craps about it, or even know how it works in the first place. And trying to meet anyone half-decent is probably the last thing you should expect.

Yet Valve requires contracts to be done on Valve servers for whatever reason, forcing everyone to put up with the filth. One can argue that it's to prevent people from making farming servers, but people can already cheat the system by finding an empty server with a friend, or one with two or three sensible individuals and complete their contracts easily.

So, why can't we just make Gun Mettle contracts able to be completed on community servers as well, as long as they're on the Gun Mettle maps? At least that way people can actually enjoy themselves with friends instead of having to babysit the scum of the internet on Valve servers.

Is there any way we can convince Valve to make this a thing during the final month of the campaign?
Gun Mettle Contracts On Community Servers

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