lundi 30 mars 2015

Ranking system

Playing CS:GO becomes more and more infected with cheaters.

Recently(some time ago) there was an update, saying that low level ranks can't play with higher ranks, atleast some.

That update was probably the must ridiculous update, since the low level ranks still are able to play with higher ranks, if they are just mixed.

As Supreme, i've manage to loose Ak's etc. because of infected hackers.

Please make an update, doing so accounts with less than 300 hours and less than 50+ wins can't play against ranks of LE, LEM, Supreme and Global.

Try see:

In every game, I probably meet people with 10-100 hrs and getting rekt by hackers all the time. Just should seriously be possible to fix.

So lame, those boosting/hackers should be able to join a matchmaking game, with less than 100 hours, even tho they have won 5 games, to get their rank. I know, it might have some bad intentions towards those people who don't play that much. But seriously, if you don't play against a new account with less than 100 hours and cheating, you playing with a russian, german _W_ whos been boosted to LEM, Supreme? and can't even find bombsite B, on d2.

Best idea @ 2015!

Ranking system

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