vendredi 17 juillet 2015

One HUGE mistake valve continue to make...

Inconsistency, specifically, map inconsistency.

Ignoring the fact Valve don't even seem to make maps anymore, they could at least go back and fix ones that are currently out.

Why are we able to clip through some props but not others, the lights in granary is what I'm thinking of right now. But you can find examples of this in almost every map.

Why is it that for almost no patterned reason, are we able to clip through some props and not others, this creates annoyance.

You can clip through the right one, but not the left, exact same light model.

They need to fix this by making two different types of lamp, both easily distinguishable from each other. So you can look at a light and right away know if you can pass through it or not.

Also, the tiny ledges you can and can't sit on. Back when granary was more fun, you could sit on the 'Control Point' sign out of second capture point roller doors.

Which also leads to another point, team bias. Some maps favour one team more than the other. Back when you COULD sit on these, the red side didn't have any window ledges like blue does, so that gives red an advantage as red could hide on these spots.

But Valve saw this imbalance, and so they fixed it! Well, they changed it atleast... The easy way! By making the map even more plain and simple and less dynamic for everyone! By not letting anyone sit on these ledges... Rather than adding a few more props to the red side, to make it fair and add even more dynamic play to the game. They just... Decided no one can do it...

Those things add to granary, they created more openings for more strategies.
In all my years of competitive play, I never heard anyone complain about the windows on gran mid. And I still have no idea why valve decided to take that away.

Expanding on clipping areas, there should also be a way to see if you can or can't land on a surface. For example.

There's nothing telling you that you can or can't land on these areas. Obviously we can learn from experience, and because I'm showing you examples of the most commonly know areas of this map, but it doesn't make sense where we can and can't stand, there's no rule or pattern showing us. Especially when it's a freakin huge flat surface that looks EXACTLY like the containers at mid that we're SUPPOSED to stand on!

Perhaps a big chicken wire type fence at the top, so we can still see through over it, we get an idea (and would still be able to shoot through it) but can also see that we probably can't pass through it.

One thing I would really like to see Valve do is go back and fix or improve some of these really old things. Rather than adding gigabytes of shiny skins.
One HUGE mistake valve continue to make...

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